
Tossing up good fortune

  • CDL management representatives and volunteers from City Sunshine Club (CSC) – CDL’s employee volunteer platform – ushered in the Lunar New Year with a festive Lo Hei luncheon with 90 elderly residents from the Henderson Senior Citizens’ Home.
Tossing up good fortune Tossing up good fortune

CDL management representatives and its City Sunshine Club (CSC) volunteers brought festive joy and cheer to 90 elderly residents from the Henderson Senior Citizens’ Home.

Singapore, 1 February 2019 – Held at the Grand Copthorne Waterfront Ballroom on 1 February, the luncheon was hosted by Mrs Cecilia Kwek, wife of CDL Executive Chairman Mr Kwek Leng Beng, who was joined by CDL senior executives including Group General Manager Mr Chia Ngiang Hong, Group Chief Strategy Officer Mr Kwek Eik Sheng and Group Chief Financial Officer Ms Yiong Yim Ming.

Apart from a celebratory spread of auspicious dishes, the beneficiaries enjoyed a merry afternoon with entertainment led by local veteran comedian Hossan Leong. He was joined by CSC volunteers who took to the stage to perform a specially choreographed dance item to the popular ‘Little Apple (小苹果)’ song and energetic renditions of classic Lunar New Year songs in different dialects. At the end of the luncheon, Mrs Kwek presented the beneficiaries with mandarin oranges and red packets, which signify well-wishes for good health and prosperity in the new lunar year ahead.

Held since 2002, this festive gathering has been a fond tradition. This year marks the 12th year that CSC has organised the luncheon for beneficiaries from Henderson Senior Citizens’ Home.

Tossing up good fortune

Mrs Cecilia Kwek, wife of CDL Executive Chairman Mr Kwek Leng Beng (second from right), and CDL Group Chief Strategy Officer Mr Kwek Eik Sheng (second from left), giving out red packets to the elderly beneficiaries and wishing them good health

Tossing up good fortune

Residents of the Henderson Senior Citizens’ Home taking a fun shot with CDL management and employee volunteers.

About City Sunshine Club (CSC)

Initiated in 1999, CSC provides CDL employees with opportunities to engage meaningfully with community partners in providing support to the less fortunate through befriending, youth mentorship and sharing of expertise. In 2018, CDL employees contributed over 2,800 volunteer hours with a participation rate of 92%.

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