Singapore, 14 January 2020 – Enjoy a new ‘uplifting’ experience at Republic Plaza, with the upgrading of its lift system to a Destination Control System (DCS) that took place in December 2019 as part of its S$70 million asset enhancement initiative.
This new system groups passengers by common or contiguous destinations and allocating lifts accordingly. This allows for a shorter waiting time and fewer stops as the lifts do not have to make stops for every passenger trip. It also enhances security as passengers will have access to authorised levels only.
The team has received positive feedback from tenants, with most citing that they welcome the change thanks to reduced waiting times for the lifts and the ample support from onsite staff during the switchover period.
One Republic Plaza tenant commented, “The overall experience is great as there was rigorous education before the launch, and extensive support from onsite staff during the transition period. There were also plenty of signboards and guides everywhere. The change was seamless.”
“It is an amazing change, as the lifts are more organised and efficient now. It also enhances security for each individual tenant. It’s killing two birds with one stone!” added another tenant.
Together with the upgraded DCS, Republic Plaza is also the first commercial building in Singapore to integrate with the government’s National Digital Identity (NDI) system, using a tool called SG-Verify as part of the visitor registration process.