Singapore, 11 April 2022 – City Developments Limited (CDL), the National Parks Board (NParks) and Ocean Geographic (OG) have jointly launched an exhibition themed “Change the Present, Save the Ocean” on marine conservation. Held at the net-zero CDL Green Gallery in the Singapore Botanic Gardens[1], the exhibition will run from 12 April to August 2022 in support of global and national climate action. The exhibition showcases Singapore’s commitment towards coastal and marine conservation, especially as the nation transforms into a City in Nature, a key pillar in the Singapore Green Plan 2030 to advance sustainable development. Through the exhibition, CDL, NParks and OG hope to illustrate the interconnectedness of climate change and the health of our oceans, people, and the planet, as well as highlight the importance of coastal and marine conservation.
The exhibition was officially launched today by Mr Desmond Lee, Minister for National Development. He was joined by world-renowned marine biologist and oceanographer, Dr Sylvia Earle, at the opening ceremony.

Exhibition: Change the Present, Save the Ocean
Leveraging contactless displays, this exhibition represents the second edition of the Climate Action Exhibition series (the first edition was held last year and entitled, “Change the Present, Save the Future”) and takes visitors across four zones:
- Global Action: Protecting the Ocean, Our Life Source – spotlighting COP26 and global efforts across sectors to conserve and sustainably use the ocean, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
- Local Action: Marine Conservation in Singapore – showcasing NParks’ role in protecting marine biodiversity and habitats, including the Marine Conservation Master Plan and various species recovery and community engagement efforts
- The Private Sector: CDL and the Green Building Movement towards Net Zero through innovation and partnerships beyond borders
- Your Part in Ocean Action: A showcase of breathtaking photos and videos from Ocean Geographic and partners, underscoring the threats to ocean and marine life (please refer to Annex A for visuals and details).
Mr Sherman Kwek, Group Chief Executive Officer of CDL, said, “Over time, mankind has caused devastating impact on the ocean and marine life. However, through education and positive behavioural changes, we can mitigate the destructive practices and allow the ocean to gradually heal over time. Post COP26, this ocean-themed exhibition is a timely reminder of the importance of collaboration across sectors and borders in order to protect our oceans. In line with CDL’s longstanding commitment to engage and advocate for sustainability issues, this second edition of our Climate Action Exhibition series at the CDL Green Gallery spotlights ‘SDG 14: Life Below Water’. We hope that visitors will gain a better understanding and appreciation of the pressing issues surrounding marine conservation and biodiversity, spurring them to support national and global efforts in climate action.”
Professor Leo Tan, Chairman of the Garden City Fund, NParks’ charity arm and an IPC, said: “Singapore’s coastal and marine habitats, though small in size, support a rich assemblage of biodiversity. For instance, more than 250 hard coral species can be found in Singapore’s waters out of over 500 species within the region. New discoveries are also constantly being made. Collective action with the community, on both a regional and international level, is therefore key in conserving these habitats for native biodiversity to thrive. Together, we can grow Singapore into a City in Nature, protecting its natural heritage for ourselves and the generations after us.”

In line with the thematic focus on climate action, the exhibition is held at the net-zero CDL Green Gallery located in the Singapore Botanic Gardens. All energy required for the running of the exhibition and its energy-efficient multimedia fixtures are offset by on-site solar generation and off-site renewable energy. The exhibition will feature global leaders in climate action, including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and C40. To extend its outreach, a virtual exhibition is also available on the CDL Sustainability website ( for overseas visitors to tour the exhibition online.
Before heading down to the Gardens to view the exhibition, the public can check the Safe Distance @ Parks portal ( for the latest updates on visitorship levels. They can also refer to the NParks’ website for the latest advisories for gardens, parks and nature reserves in response to the COVID-19 situation.